och bolagsstyrningsrapport. Coor redovisar sitt hållbarhetsarbete enligt GRI:s riktlinjer G4, nivå Core. STANDARDUPPLYSNINGAR. GRI-indikator. Beskrivning.


GRI G4 Content Index CSR Report 2017 contains information on the Standard Disclosures according to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Version 4 (G4). 'Core' items of the General Standard Disclosures are listed in the content index below. GRI Section No. Description Page No. Strategy and Analysis

Rapporteringen baseras på Global Reporting Inititatives riktlinjer GRI Standards Core. Peab deltar i BASTAs vetenskapliga råd. BEAst. BEAst står för Bygg- och fastighets- branschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard och har i dagsläget drygt 90  Detta är vår första hållbarhetsrapport som följer GRI Standard alternativ Core. Hållbarhetsrapporten för 2016 rapporterades enligt GRI G4 alternativ Core. SSAB's GRI Report 2016 has been prepared in accordance with the “Core” option of the GRI (Global. Reporting Initiative) G4 guidelines.

G4 gri standards

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GRI-index. STRATEGI OCH ANALYS. G4-1. VD:s uttalande s.

G4-1. Uttalande från vd.

Idag anlände mitt intyg för genomgången utbildning i övergången från GRI G4 till GRI Standards (Hållbarhetsredovisning). Utbildningen 

• Bakgrund, krav på innehåll etc. • Ökat fokus på risk. • Exempel. • GRI G4 GRI Standards.

G4 gri standards

8 Nov 2016 The G4 Guidelines introduced major new concepts, like the two “in accordance” levels (Core and Comprehensive), and a new emphasis on 

G4 gri standards

Finansiella tjänster. GRI G4 ersätts med GRI Standards under 2018 och många vill veta redan nu vad det får för konsekvenser för organisationens hållbarhetsredovisning.

G4 gri standards

ERG (Gruppo ERG) Non financial statement 2018 2019 GRI - Standards In accordance - Core. GRI – from G4 to Standards.
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G4 gri standards

Hållbarhetsrapporten för 2016 rapporterades enligt GRI G4 alternativ Core. SSAB's GRI Report 2016 has been prepared in accordance with the “Core” option of the GRI (Global. Reporting Initiative) G4 guidelines.

The G4 Sector Disclosures were not updated when transitioning to the GRI Standards. Instead, as part of its Sector Program GRI is developing Sector Standards that will provide more up-to-date, authoritative guidance for sector-specific sustainability reporting. GRI – from G4 to Standards On 1 July 2018, the transition from GRI’s G4 guidelines to Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) will be complete. The Standards will be required for all reports (or other materials that reference the GRI framework) which are published after this deadline and GRI won’t provide further support for reports that continue to use the G4 guidelines.
Budskap definisjon

GRI – from G4 to Standards. On 1 July 2018, the transition from GRI’s G4 guidelines to Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) will be complete.

The table below indexes The Hartford’s 2017 sustainability efforts against the GRI reporting guidelines and has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standards Core Option. When When appropriate, we reference information publicly available on The Hartford’s website, 10 -K, and other related corporate reports. G4 Guidelines and G4 Implementation NEW Set of modular GRI Standards Manual About the GRI Standards • The GRI Standards incorporate the key concepts and disclosures from the G4 Guidelines and G4 Implementation Manual, but with a new and improved structure and format • The Standards are issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), The new GRI Standards, which the organisation describes as the “first global standards for sustainability reporting”, introduce a new structure, clearer terminology and new opportunities for flexible reporting. Companies currently reporting in line with the previous ‘G4’ Guidelines will need to make the switch by 2018, so it’s worth getting up to speed with them now. The Global Reporting Initiative (known as GRI) is an international independent standards organization that helps businesses, governments and other organizations understand and communicate their impacts on issues such as climate change, human rights and corruption. Under increasing pressure from different stakeholder groups – such as governments, consumers and investors – to be more transparent about their environmental, economic and social impacts, many companies publish a sustainability 2020 GRI - Standards In accordance - Core. Bapco - The Bahrain Petroleum Company.

102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards. 130. 102-55 GRI oped according to GRI G4. transition to the 2017 GRI Standards. In 2017 

The below table provides an overview of our reporting against GRI G4 Specific Standard Disclosures. These are indicators that pertain to our material aspects: • Water • Agricultural sourcing • Women • Deforestation • Human rights • Climate Action • Packaging G4-31 Contact point Sustainability strategy and targets G4-32 GRI option and external assurance The integrated reporting of thyssenkrupp references to the GRI guidelines and includes the GRI Content Index. Orientation for referencing is the "in accordance – Core” option of the G4 reporting guidelines.

The purpose of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (the Guidelines): The Guidelines offer Reporting Principles, Standard Disclosures and an Implementation Manual for the preparation of sustainability reports by organizations, regardless of their size, sector or location. to GRI Standards – Organizations currently reporting using G4 guidelines, should compare their existing reporting approach and material issues to ensure they are in alignment with the Standards’ requirements. As most of the content from G4 has been retained in the GRI Standards, transitioning would require relatively minimal 2020 GRI - Standards In accordance - Core.